West Seattle High School

West Seattle
High School
Student Life


Clubs at West Seattle High School 2024-2025

Welcome Club Leaders

Club NameDetailsDayTimeLocationAdvisor
AAPI ClubAAPI club strives to increase diversity, inclusivity, and representation at our school. We also explore Asian culture, history, and holidays. This is done through school wide events we put on, that we hope to see you at! AAPI club is open for anyone to join.ThursdayAdvisory223So
Amnesty InternationalDiscus human rights and write direct actions that are sent to government officials & people who have the power to change the issues we are advocating for.ThursdayAdvisory143Van Duyn
AP Physics ClubStudy and help other students prepare for the AP Physics exam and to pass the class.TuesdayLunch265Bergman
AP Study and Tutor ClubWe hold study sessions and tutor people who have work in AP classes.TuesdayLunchLibraryVattuone
BSU (Black Student Union)BSU focuses on fostering a sense of community and cultural pride among Black students. It provides a supportive environment where students can discuss topics related to their cultural heritage, history, and current social issues. The club often organizes events such as cultural celebrations, educational workshops, and community service projects. It aims to promote unity, leadership, and academic success while also raising awareness about the contributions and challenges of the Black community.TuesdayAdvisory133Christinia
Card Games ClubWe play a wide variety of fun and exciting card gamesMonday, ThursdayAdvisory207Mathews
Chamber Orchestra ClubA small group of orchestral musicians who play challenging and fun orchestral piecesWednesdayAfter school283Fritts
ChessWeekly gathering. TuesdayLunch202Cordero
Chinese clubLearn about and celebrate Chinese culture through crafts, games, and group activities.WednesdayLunch213Lin
CIEE alum clubWe use our CIEE alum to help new or returning students apply to study abroad this summerThursdayAdvisory TBD TBD
Civics ClubWe discuss and learn about advocating for change through civic engagement.FridayAdvisory105Lyon
Community ClosetWe want to offer free clothing resources for students at WSHS and a sustainable option for clothing donation and pickup.WednesdayLunch131Ferda
Creative Writing ClubWe will be both discussing and working with creative writing, including weekly writing prompts and opportunities for silent work on individual projectsThursdayLunch105Lyon
D&D ClubPlay D&D and beTuesday, ThursdayAdvisory140Glover
D&D clubA club for people to organize and play D&D games during Advisory and Lunch time.ThursdayAdvisory266Katzaroff
DebateDebate current & past topics, improving our members abilities to discuss different topics no matter how well versed they may be on it.MondayAdvisory143Van Duyn 
Debate ClubEncourage civic discourse through a series of debates on both lighthearted and currently relevant subjects. Improve public speaking skills, respectful debate skills, improve students understanding of good argument and personal positions through debate.MondayAdvisory101Harris
DECARun student store, community service, compete in business competitionsTuesday, ThursdayAdvisory133Bremseth
Earth ClubWe unite students in conserving the earth and our community through activities and restorations.WednesdayAfter school262Murdock and Hall
Enjoyment clubWe will try to enjoy life.FridayAdvisory206Long
Exploration of the Arts ClubMeetings are time to hang out and do art. Our main objective is to help members create connections outside the school where they can gain exposure and experience.ThursdayAfter school158Sloan
Fiber Arts ClubWe knit and crochet and teach people to knit and crochet!Tuesday, ThursdayAdvisoryLibraryVattuone
Filmmaking ClubIn this club we will have fun making random videos and short films! We’ll learn about the best techniques of filmmaking and create a space for film lovers and story tellers to collaborate!ThursdayLunch230Perletti
French ClubHomework help, chill space, make decoration, teach French culture, French movies, holiday parties, have a French “emergence”, cooking French foods, service hours to those who help out on French work, and possibly Field tripFridayLunch234Lidgard
Fry ClubWe meet twice a month to plan monthly after-school excursions to different local French fry establishments.ThursdayLunch105Lyon
GSACreate a safe space for queer students and raise awareness at school about issues still present in our community.TuesdayAdvisory230Perletti
Hiking and pickleballGo play pickleball and hiking after school and meet during school to plan the adventureTuesdayAdvisoryP3Lambright
Hiking ClubStudents meet once a month to plan fun outdoor excursions/ hikes around the Seattle area! (hikes will occur on weekends)FridayLunch103Harper
Intersectional Feminist ClubThe Intersectional Feminist Club is a group dedicated to creating a safe space at WSHS for anyone looking for a welcoming community. We are committed to learning and growing from each other while honoring the intersectionality of our identities through a feminist lens. Our overall goal is to build a stronger community in WSHS rooted in feminism.MondayLunch202Long
Journalism clubWe create articles for the Olympian newspaper.TuesdayAdvisory140Glover
just dance clubplay just danceTuesdayAdvisory213So
Key ClubKey Club is an international, student-run organization dedicated to providing community service, leadership opportunities, and character building.MondayAfter school203Simkins
Latin Student UnionWe are a club that wants to Share our Latin Culture bringing together students from all backgrounds around Latino America and share our traditions to our school community.TuesdayLunch219Carscadden
Library ClubWe’re focused on making the library a more welcoming place for all students by expanding and showcasing the catalog’s diversity in different areas, using events to introduce the library to more students, and by changing the physical aspects of the library to make it more comfortable.MondayLunchLibraryVattuone
Lunch clubGoing on excursions to learn about different cultures foods at lunch as well as having a better culinary understanding.TuesdayAdvisory131Ferda
Math ClubMu Alpha Theta is a prestigious math honors society that provides a method for schools to encourage and recognize students who excel at and enjoy math. We are excited to be running a chapter of Mu Alpha Theta alongside math club and about the opportunities it brings!MondayAfter school213So
Model UNDebate with friends on global issues from different countries’ perspectives.ThursdayLunch240 (Subject to Change)Dahms (Subject to Change)
movie clubwatch movies and eat lunchThursdayAdvisory101Harris
Muslim Student Association (MSA)The Muslim Student Association (MSA) is a welcoming space where students celebrate faith, friendship, and diverse cultures. We host fun events like Eid gatherings, cultural showcases, and charity drives, bringing everyone together. Whether you’re learning more about Islam or just looking for a great community, MSA is for you. Our mission is to unite students, embrace diversity, and make a positive impact on campus. Join us for amazing experiences, new friends, and great memories!FridayLunch149Klein
National Art Honors SocietyThe NAHS strives to aid members in attaining the highest standards in art scholarship, character and service, and to bring art education to the attention of the school and community.ThursdayAdvisory156Logel
National Honor SocietyWe will be running volunteer opportunities for students with at least a 3.5 GPA.FridayLunch242Phelps
Native American Culture and ClubA culture club to connect Native students to both each other and their roots.ThursdayLunch161Doll
Ocean clubOcean club is an organization that works on conserving and helping maintain a clean ocean. we do this by beach cleanup, and fundraising for the benefit of our earth and ocean.WednesdayLunch161Doll
Philosophy ClubWe will read and discuss philosophical writings, starting with older writers and then moving forward as the year progresses.MondayAdvisory140Glover
Photography ClubA club dedicated to the art and history of photography, with weekly themes and PowerPoints.Thursday;Advisory122DFerda
Pickleball clubPlay pickleball at Hiawatha and Alki, watch learning videos during nettings, and potentially host tournamentsWednesday;Lunch215Gaffey
Rocketry clubRocketry club builds and launches rockets for fun and competition against ourselves. We also talk about current events in space during meetings.  All rocket launching activities happen outside of official club time and official school hours.TuesdayAdvisory268 normally and 271 on days Mr. Ursino has a labMr. Ursino and Mr. Thomas
Sexual Violence Resource GroupThe Sexual Violence Resource Group (SVRG) is a student-led initiative dedicated to combating sexual violence, fostering a culture of consent, and ensuring students have access to the support they need inside and outside of West Seattle High. The SVRG achieves this mission by uplifting resources, creating educational content, and collaborating with school administrators, staff, and local organizations to ensure students have safe spaces they can turn to for help. Anyone and everyone is welcome in the SVRG, regardless of previous experience with the topic!TuesdayAdvisory103Harper
Skate ClubSkate club is a club for people who like to skateboard or are interested in skateboarding. We meet to learn more about skate culture, volunteer for skatepark clean ups and just skate.Monday, Tuesday, ThursdayAdvisory160Thomas
Ski ClubWe meet once a week to discuss skiing in general and will plan night skiing and normal skiing in the winter.TuesdayAdvisory147Klein
Social Justice ClubSocial Justice Club is a progressive group offering education and activism opportunities to WSHS Students and Staff. This year, we aim to support marginalized groups and aid our community while educating on systemic social and economic injustice.TuesdayAfter school230Perletti
Student Lunch ClubHelp students new or not, to construct bonds with peers during lunch!TuesdayLunchRoom 122BParsley
Tournament ClubWe will host various tournaments and competitions throughout the year.ThursdayAfter school140Glover
Unified clubplaying sports with a mix of students with intellectual abilities and students without disabilities to advocate inclusionMonday, ThursdayAdvisoryGymMyers
water polo enthusiasts clubwe are enthusiastically watching college water polo!WednesdayLunch181Sorenson
West Seattle Girls Flag FootballJoin together and play flag football as a team!WednesdayLunch161Doll
West Seattle lacrosse clubWe are a club lacrosse group for all people with any type of experience or none!FridayAfter schoolTBDErich
Westside UltimateWe play ultimate frisbee and we include players that go to a school that doesn’t have a frisbee team.Monday-ThursdayAfter schoolUsually at a field around SeattleVaught
WSHS Car Club / The Greasy PeepsWe plan events such as car meets as well as cars and coffee! While we have meetings, we will go over planning these events.FridayLunch162Thomas
WSHS Color guardBoost WSHS spirit through choreographed flag performances, usually alongside the band.Monday, FridayLunchBand FieldThomas
Technology Student Association (TSA)Tech student leadership with state competitions in various subjects such as photography, media arts, forensics, etc.MondayLunch230Perletti

Club application Form
